Five Oaks
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How to find us -
your way to Five Oaks
at the Baltic Sea Coast

How to find us with the a car

coming from the south

A7 Direction Hamburg
in Hamburg (Hamburg-Ost) change to

A1 Direction Lübeck / Rostock
at motorway interchange Lübeck take

A 20 Direction Rostock

exit Wismar-Mitte

direction Wismar
at the roundabout direction Grevesmühlen./ Gägelow
continue on B106 / 105 until Gägelow
in Gägelow (big crossroads at Hagebau/MEZ)
turn right to L01-Klützer Str. direction Klütz / Proseken
cross Proseken, after about 3 km on the road

you'll see a sign 'turn left to Neu Jassewitz'
turn left here and straight ahead
directly after the village sign 'Alt Jassewitz'
turn right into the entrance of our house.

100 m farther behind the bus stop
turn left to Manderow / Alt Jassewitz
cross Manderow completely using the main road,
then up the hill to Alt Jassewitz
At the entrance of the village there is a small roundabout with a playing ground,
keep left here
Five Oaks is the first (and only) house on the left hand side!

For your satnav:
'Alt Jassewitz - without a street name'
GPS coordinates: N  / E

or use a route planner:

Der klickTel Routenplaner auch auf Ihrer Homepage! klickTel Telefonbuch